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Market-driven tools for asset allocation and strategic investment

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HCWE supports the institutional investment community in formulating investment strategies through intelligent use of market data and superior understanding of how markets have behaved over time. Markets forecast Markets!

With many decades in the business of capital-market analysis and reporting, HCWE remains one of the most dependable resources for innovative research designed specifically for the institutional investor.

We distribute our research findings in a variety of periodic reports with telephone and video conferences and occasional on-site briefings.

Find out how HCWE Insight can work for you. Contact us at: +1(978)468-4575 or send us a message.

R. David Ranson,
President and
Director of Research,
HCWE & Co.

Highlights from Recent Publications

Authorized users can view recent publications by signing in and visiting the Archives

Market-Driven Tools for Asset Allocation  Interest-Rate Outlook
Bond-market consequences of the Fed's rate cut - 09/30/2024
The Fed influences, but does not control, the bond market. As happened recently, a sufficiently large depreciation of the currency (relative to gold) can more than offset a Fed rate cut.
Market-Driven Tools for Asset Allocation  Equity-Market Outlook
Why energy markets are so volatile - 08/31/2024
Energy-stock prices rise and fall with the price of oil, which in the longer run moves in parallel with forward gold. Shorter-term fluctuations in the oil-gold ratio are due in part to movements in the implied volatility of the oil market. Other factors cannot yet be identified.
Market-Driven Tools for Asset Allocation  Tactical Asset Selector
Sustained risk and capital-market performance - 09/30/2024
Geopolitical risk is a major factor in capital markets, but it comes in more than one flavor. Evidence from a news-based index suggest that implied volatility subsides more quickly than the asset-price damage that it causes.
Market-Driven Tools for Asset Allocation  International Forecaster
The currency-performance factor in economic development - 08/31/2024
Using stock markets as a rough proxy for economic development in the emerging world, there is extensive evidence that one of the major barriers is currency depreciation. The damage done lasts for years. But when a currency eventually stabilizes, stock prices bounce back.
Market-Driven Tools for Asset Allocation  Fixed-Income Barometer
"Market forecasts" for the coming twelve months as of 08/19/2024
Market-Driven Tools for Asset Allocation  Equity-Market Barometer
"Market forecasts" for the coming twelve months as of 09/25/2024
Market-Driven Tools for Asset Allocation  International Barometer
"Market forecasts" for the coming twelve months as of 09/23/2024
Market-Driven Tools for Asset Allocation  Sector Watch
"Market forecasts" for the coming twelve months as of 08/19/2024
Market-Driven Tools for Asset Allocation  Graphic Insights
Gold and oil prices predict or explain inflation all by themselves - 09/30/2024
Economists talk as if the inflation rate were determined by supply and demand in the markets for consumption goods and services, together with the restraining effect of interest-rate hikes. In practice, price movements in commodities that have nothing to do with consumer markets explain and anticipate inflation very well by themselves.
Market-Driven Tools for Asset Allocation  HCWE Webcast
Explaining US Inflation Today -- What Experience Tells Us - 08/28/2024
Beliefs about how the economy works usually come from what people learned in school or have heard from the press. It pays to check out the facts. Inflation is an example of a major subject about which generally accepted beliefs originate in theory-building rather than observation or experience.

Get the stories behind the headlines! Contact HCWE & Co. at +1(978)468-4575
or send us a message.

HCWE In the News

Wainwright in the news
bullet New! Think Inflation Is Cooling? Think Again. Randall W. Forsyth,, May 18, 2024 Read
bullet Dr. David Ranson's 2024 Financial Forecast, The Financial Quarterback, YouTube 2/10/2024 Play
bullet Taming the Inflation Beast, S. Constable, Briefings, Jan-Feb, 2024 Read
bullet What's Really Driving Inflation? It Ain't The Federal Reserve, S. Constable,, 8/28/23 Read
bullet What G.D.P.'s Cousin Can Tell Us About the Economy, P. Coy, New York Times, 8/8/23 Read
bullet How The Government Is Making The Silicon Valley Bank Crisis Worse, S. Constable,, 4/23/23 Read
bullet Why It's So Hard to Stop Inflation, Virtual Presentation, CFA Switzarland, 2/9/2023 Watch
bullet Norm Reversion for Oil Indicates Less-Than-Transitory Inflation, Opinion, Real Clear Markets, 3/6/2023 Read
bullet The Fed's Dim Chances - Podcast, The Independent Research Forum, 1/30/2023 [Play]
bullet Will Federal Reserve Rate Hikes Pull Down Inflation?, S. Constable,, 12/27/2022 Read
bullet Recession Still Nowhere To Be Seen, S. Constable,, 12/19/2022 Read
bullet Inflation Is About the Quality of Money, Not Quantity, David Ranson, Barron's - Economy & Policy, 11/25/22 Read
